Keynotes Announcement: Katariina Kari

We are pleased to announce that Katariina Kari is going to be one of our keynotes!
Here some words about what she’s going to talk about at ESWC 2024:

Since 2017 I have applied semantic web technologies with the lifestyle
e-commerce sector, first at Zalando and since 2021 at Inter IKEA Systems B.V. Both companies face the same problems of siloed data and no way of translating between the meaning around their product data.

What I have learned over those years is a set sequence of events that build up the Knowledge Graph capabilities of a company and take them towards semantically driven applications. Contrary to textbook examples, the work never starts with a top ontology nor with OWL reasoning. However, those do come into play around the ark from where a knowledge graph project started.


Keynotes Announcement: Peter Clark

We are pleased to announce that Peter Clark is going to be one of our keynotes!
Here some words about what he’s going to talk about at ESWC 2024

The Semantic Web was born from the need to reason over informal content (e.g., Web text), based on a fundamental premise: computers cannot process most of the information stored on Web pages.
It has led to major advances in knowledge representation, knowledge graphs, reasoning at scale, and more.

Today, though, language models (LMs) have ruptured the original premise: they showing surprising skill at processing text directly, offering new opportunities for knowledge management and the Semantic Web vision.

In this talk, I’ll illustrate three such opportunities we have been exploring: structured reasoning directly over natural language (NL) statements (NL inference); using LMs as tools for building formal and semi-formal world models; and using NL communication between agents to building robust multi-agent services. Finally I’ll speculate on what the future information world might look like with our new LM companions at our side.